

"Where you are always welcome"

Mt. Gilead History

The Mt. Gilead church history can be downloaded in pdf format by clicking HERE . The original is in an old record book. The conversion is explained as follows:

Note from the Transcriber:

The book that contains Mt. Gilead’s history is a ledger type book. When the authors used the left half of the book as one page and the right half as another I copied the pages and numbered them consecutively ( i.e. 1,2). When they used both pages for one record I numbered the page with two numbers (i.e. 22-23) and typed the information from both pages on one so that the information would be easier for the reader to understand. The (page) numbers I added are in red. I tried to remain faithful to the spellings and grammar of the authors. When deciphering the writing of the earlier authors, I used my best judgment in transcribing names. I endeavored to make a letter-for-letter transcription. I placed blank areas with numbers to correspond with blank pages in the book. The ending of each page is denoted with a row of asterisks.

When I reached a word I could not decipher, I put several question marks in (?????). If there was just a letter or two I could not read, I used one question mark (?). Sometimes if the word didn’t make sense, but I thought I made out each letter I put a question mark in parenthesis (?).

Sharon Goode

Note from the Editors:

This is the official church history from the actual book beginning in 1857. Although it has been edited by Keith and Phyllis Dyer & myself, there may be additional changes in the future if we find any mistakes, omissions, etc. The original remains in possession of the church and represents one of the oldest written documents extant for Monroe County.

Tim McHenry